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By Kay Nauta

Autumn. Fall. End of summer. This is the time of year that many of us can find a little depressing. Vacations have been taken, the children are back in school, and the freedom of summer has ended. In most areas of the country, the weather is turning cold. The changing leaves have been giving us a beautiful show, but their colors are now fading as they drift away in the wind.

Falls seems to be a time of endings, introspection, resting, and preparing for winter. And with the endings comes a pause of expectation. What comes next? How do we fill this time between glorious summer and joyous holidays? What can be done when things seem to be coming to an end?

As everything has its opposite, so do endings. With every ending, there is a new beginning. Traditionally, we think of springtime for new beginnings, but fall has just as many opportunities for beginnings if we look with an enthusiastic perspective.

Most of us hate to see the cold weather arrive and keeps us away from nude sunbathing, nude hiking, sports, and other outdoor activities. But let’s look at a few of the new indoor activities that we can begin doing that can be just as enjoyable. How about evenings by the fireplace with warm drinks, good friends or family, and lively conversations or fun games? What a great way to connect with others and relax!

Disappointed that it’s too cold outside to grill some juicy steaks or hamburgers? Why not try a new recipe in the kitchen? You can even cook in the nude if you so desire. Get your significant other or kids interested and cooking dinner can turn into a party!

You don’t have to give up exercising when the weather cools. In fact, it’s a great time to try out some new exercise videos or sign up for a new yoga or dance class. Staying in good physical shape will give you more energy for the holidays and help maintain your weight when it comes time for turkey, mashed potatoes, dressing, cookies, and pumpkin pie.

Fall is the perfect time to begin reading a new book. If the season is a little depressing for you, try reading an inspirational book or one that teaches a new skill or hobby. Relax in the evenings with an intriguing mystery, romance novel, or humorous stories. Books can teach us so much, give us so much pleasure and take us to so many new places without ever leaving the comfort of home on a crisp autumn day.

This is also the perfect time to take advantage of that pause mentioned earlier and reflect on your life. Are you happy with your relationships? Has this year been successful and satisfying? Are there changes that need to be made? Take an honest assessment of your life and make some new beginnings now, while we’re in this time in between, this pause. Get a head start on new endeavors, habits or projects for the upcoming year. There’s no need to wait until January to make that New Year’s resolution. Make a resolution or a new beginning now because now is the best time to start.

As the seasons change, so do we. If we go through these changes with grace, reverence, and attunement with Mother Nature instead of fighting her, our days can be breathtaking! Enjoy your breathtaking autumn!